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Top FAQsGetting the GED While WorkingAll-inclusive GED PrepHow to prepare for the testAccelerated Pathways and CredlyThe GED Ready® Practice TestScheduling the GED® TestTesting AccommodationsWhat to Expect on Test DayUnderstanding ScoresTest RetakesTechnical RequirementsGED® Test FraudFAQ Categories
FAQ Categories
Top FAQsGetting the GED While WorkingAll-inclusive GED PrepHow to prepare for the testAccelerated Pathways and CredlyThe GED Ready® Practice TestScheduling the GED® TestTesting AccommodationsWhat to Expect on Test DayUnderstanding ScoresTest RetakesTechnical RequirementsGED® Test FraudGED® Test Fraud
I’m worried I may have been a victim of GED® test or credential fraud. What do I do?
We take security very seriously. If you believe you have been the victim of fraud, report your concerns here. Keep records of everything.
In order for an official complaint to be opened, you must file a complaint with one of the following: your local police, your state attorneys general office, or the Better Business Bureau.