
We are committed to providing students with full access to the GED® test for anyone with disabilities. Test accommodations are considered on a case-by-case basis and include things such as extra testing time, extra breaks, a separate testing room.

Documentation Guidelines

Before submitting a request, be sure to give the appropriate documentation guidelines below to your doctor or psychologist to evaluate.

Learning & Cognitive Disorders (LCD)

Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Psychological & Psychiatric Disorders (EPP)

Physical Disabilities & Chronic Health Conditions (PCH)

Appeal Process

You may appeal an accommodations decision if you’re unhappy with the outcome. Simply click on the “Request an Appeal” button in the Accommodations System to start the appeal process. Please include additional documentation along with the appeal form (i.e. letter from a doctor, report, etc) to review if possible.

GED Test On-Screen Computer Guides

You can change what your test looks like on your computer screen to make it easier to read. Download these guides to learn more about the options available.

Screen Color Combinations Guide