Managing Your Test Center

Test Administrator Training and Certification

Test Administrators are provided training through the Pearson VUE test management systems (see “VSS” and “Service Direct” below).  It covers the registration and delivery of exams as well as other processes such as checking in candidates at the test center. Certification is required annually.  You will be notified by Pearson VUE each year when training is expected. Please complete the training promptly to keep your test center active.

Test Administration Guidance for Systems and Procedures

VSS - VUE Support Services

“VSS” is a Pearson VUE system that allows you to access different tools and resources for testing. These include:

  • Training documents
  • Tutorials
  • Test center guides for administering tests and passing the certification exam

Administrators will gain access to VSS before taking the Pearson VUE test for Test Administrators so they can review all necessary materials.

After certification, Pearson VUE will grant access to the tools for managing the test center itself and test registrations (“Site Manager”, “Admissions Manager” and “Registration Manager”).


ServiceDirect is a Pearson VUE system for tracking cases/events and managing support for test delivery. You can use this to communicate with Pearson VUE regarding:

  • Software installation and completion of pre-activation tasks
  • Reporting and tracking of candidate support and testing issues (including misconduct and testing disruptions)
  • Requesting authorization of additional exams
  • Ordering additional white noteboards

ServiceDirect training materials are available at any time through VSS.

GED Test Center Support Resources

Who to Contact for Help

GED Testing Service provides a customer service support line for testers, and a dedicated support line for GED® test centers. This test center support line will direct you to technical support, channel quality and customer service. Learn more.

For information and resources for testing in corrections, go here.